Nature's constant change can be illustrated through an artist's evolving public-engagement manifestations. 

An artist is, in many ways, a species evolving out loud. Just as we each create a life, an artist's work is experimentation -- evolution, itself, so that change is natural, rapid, and visibly apparent.

Her morphing gestures within the public sphere are the antithesis of a brand (though neither is better nor worse).

The evolution of our lives is just as rapid, though variably obscured. Creating a life is just as experimental and mutable as creating art. 

(Scroll down for all series descriptions)

Link to "What do you see?" series
Experimental variables  relationship between the seer and the seen, viewer participation, image potential
Experimental question Is there a relationship between what seers see, and their past experiences? Can this be tested using abstract art? Can viewers notice and accept the reality of concomitant perceptions?
Experimental design Images of abstract forms and interactions were presented to viewers, who were asked what they saw.
Experimental findings Viewers were highly engaged by “What do you see,” and provided a wide range of responses for each image. 

Link to experimental process series
Experimental variables process of inquiry, visual capture, and viewer opportunity
Experimental question Can combining still images into film demonstrate the process of inquiry more effectively than a fixed series of still images? Does an image shown without words present more opportunity for the viewer’s own experience?
Experimental design Film and series of still images were presented in different posts without words or titles as a way of offering the fullest potential for viewers to impose their own meaning and questioning onto the images.

Link to "the third element" series
Experimental variables emotion, perception, and contradiction
Experimental question Can the changing, contradictory nature of our emotionally-informed experience be made more tolerable by awareness of its shifting nature?
Experimental design Readers were presented with short, narrative poems relaying a vignette of experience, as perceived by the author. These poems reflected the contradictory nature of any individual’s changing perception informed by emotion.

Link to "learning-out-loud" series
Experimental variables process of questioning and universal visualization of that process
Experimental question Can the iterative process of human inquiry into the nature of experience be suggested, visually, in meaningful but not culturally-limited terms?
Experimental design Readers were presented with questions of experience (eg, “We ask about the shape of fear”), each followed by a series oil-painting iterations, with the final piece intended to suggest the question, and the in-progress images intended to suggest the questioning process, itself.

Link to "animawe" series
Experimental variables nature awareness, visualization, and animation
Experimental question How can a changing awareness of physics concepts be animated in universal, visual terms?
Experimental design A brief definition of a single concept of physics introduced a digital drawing implying that concept in bold, simplified universal terms. As each new physics definition was presented in succeeding posts, the same drawing changed in simple, clear ways which responded to the additional information. At the series conclusion the complete series of animated awareness-change was clarified further in film form.

Link to "re-conceive" series
Experimental variables nature awareness, universal visualization and animation
Experimental question How can a changing awareness of physics concepts be demonstrated visually? 
Experimental treatment Viewers were presented with a textual explanation of a single concept of physics, which appeared beside a digital drawing implying that concept. As each new physics concept was explained in succeeding posts, the same drawing changed in a way that incorporated the additional information. 

Link to "re-perceive" series
Experimental variables perception change and meta-awareness
Experimental question Can an awareness of perception-change be invoked?
Experimental design Readers were challenged to experience, and become aware of, linked cognitive shifts when they were presented with quotes that suggested ways of seeing which connected with, but contrasted from, the previous quote.