Link to "What do you see?" series
Experimental variables
relationship between the seer and the seen, viewer participation, image potential
Experimental question
Is there a relationship between what seers see, and their past experiences? Can this be tested using abstract art? Can viewers notice and accept the reality of concomitant perceptions?
Experimental design
Images of abstract forms and interactions were presented to viewers, who were asked what they saw.
Experimental findings
Viewers were highly engaged by “What do you see,” and provided a wide range of responses for each image.
Experimental variables
relationship between the seer and the seen, viewer participation, image potential
Experimental question
Is there a relationship between what seers see, and their past experiences? Can this be tested using abstract art? Can viewers notice and accept the reality of concomitant perceptions?
Experimental design
Images of abstract forms and interactions were presented to viewers, who were asked what they saw.
Experimental findings
Viewers were highly engaged by “What do you see,” and provided a wide range of responses for each image.